Fosco mentioned early last week that he was proud and excited to log his first Fosco Lives! visitors from China. Well, he's had one more Chinese hit since then (so much for his strategy to get blocked by Chinese censors). But, this excitement pales in comparison to Fosco's absolute thrill to see a visit last week from Governor MooseMunch's illustrious hometown, Wasilla, Alaska! It's true! Here's the relevant portion of Fosco's site traffic report:
To tell the truth, Fosco is a bit obsessed with Wasilla. After all, it's the location of so many important sites in recent political history, such as
- Wasilla Public Library, where then-mayor Sarah Palin tried to have this list of books banned (including the Harry Potter series).
- The Wasilla Assembly of God, where Governor Palin was anointed by an African witch hunter who drove an old lady "witch" out of her Kenyan village. Hey, remember when we used to do that here? That was fun.
- The snazzily-named Wasilla Multi-Use Sports Complex, which Palin raised the city sales tax to pay for. Oh, and she made a seriously expensive legal error. Plus, the contractors for that sports complex may have built the Palin house for free.
Oh, and did I mention that Wasilla is beautiful? I didn't? That's because it's not. Here is the splash page of the official City of Wasilla website:

Go ahead, click on the picture and look at it full size. And then tell me what you see. As far as Fosco can tell from this picture, Wasilla is a traffic light, a Burger King sign, and some sort of factory.
Why in the world would any city choose that picture to represent itself on its official website? Fosco has lived in (or near) some hellholes in his peripatetic life, but even the worst of them have (misleadingly) beautiful pictures on their official websites. Even if your town isn't beautiful and you don't want to lie, you could still put up pictures of snowmobiles or something. Or the Wasilla Multi-Use Sports Complex. I mean, hasn't Wasilla learned the most important lesson of Sarah Palin? You can polish a turd.
And to think, this is the town that Governor MooseMunch proudly claims as the "real America." [Fosco shudders.]
Of course, Wasilla residents are always welcome here at Fosco Lives! Maybe this site can provide a public service by offering a window into the world of books, art, and urban life. Fosco would also like to extend a special welcome to the queer youth of Wasilla: there is a world outside of Wasilla. Come join us.
That hillbilly website froze my laptop. Also, pizza is more expensive in Alaska. Fuck that.
(sorry, it's early and I have not had my pills)
Duct Tape = Pedophile Uncle...for me at least.
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