In a post two days ago, Fosco reported on the trend of calling Republican governors "governeros" (to appeal to the cowboy aesthetic of what remains of their party). In that post's title, Fosco referred to a Simpson's song about an SUV that claims it "smells like a steak." Well, it now occurs to Fosco to wonder what Republican governeros actually do smell like (and is it steak? No, it is not.).
Fosco has pondered this question and he has some theories. So, let's play the game: "What Does Your Republican Governor Smell Like?" Here are a few suggestions:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA): coconut oil
- Sarah Palin (AK): mooseburgers and Britney Spears believe
- "Myman" Mitch Daniels (IN): urine
- Rick Perry (TX): Newport Lights
- Mark Sanford (SC): green apple Jolly Ranchers
- Tim Pawlenty (MN): talcum powder
- Linda Lingle (HI): poi
- Charlie Crist (FL): Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male
But what about other Republican governeros? Any scents?
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Jennifer Granholm (MI) - Canadian bacon? Maple syrup? Labatts? Or just plain tuna?
The BeeMaster
I always thought Jenny smelled like bourbon and White Diamonds. Cuz she's a cougar...
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